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Please note: Mr. Sansevero will have classes in the library classroom during 2nd, 4th, 8th and 9th periods. However, Ms Turner will be available to help check out books.

fRIDAY MAY 19, 2023

rEMINDER Today is the last day to check out books!

If any staff member needs to check out a book for instruction after today, please contact me. We will be working to collect all library books up until the last day of school and may be reaching out to staff for assistance. We thank you in advance for working with us to care for and preserve our library collection!

Monday April 17, 2023

Welcome back from Spring Break! We hope everyone had a restful time off. The JCMS library would like to remind everyone of the following procedures and policies for sending students to the library:

Thank you to everyone, again, for working together to ensure all students have equal access to the library and its services while keeping our learning spaces peaceful and secure. 

Tuesday September 20, 2022

NEW PROCEDURE The JCMS library has created and shared a calendar to schedule library events and bookings! If you would like to schedule a time to use the library space and services, please call the Circulation Desk. Some examples of things to book the library for are:

We are asking staff to view the calendar before sending up students outside of Academic Support or call the circulation desk. This will prevent overcrowding and confusion, particularly when whole classes are booked. Please call with any questions.

Thank you to everyone, again, for working together to ensure all students have equal access to the library and its services! 

Friday September 16, 2022

NEW PROCEDURE Beginning this year the JCMS library procedure for sending students to the library during Academic Support will be as follows:

A. Staff with an Academic Support class may send up two students at a time to check out books

B. Students must possess a pass to the library or permission via phone call

C. Students will sign in when entering the library and sign out when leaving the library

A. Staff with an Academic Support class may send up a maximum of two students on their given day (see below) to remain in the library for the duration of Academic Support

i. 6th and 7th grade: odd days

ii. 8th grade: even days

iii. Students may be sent back to class if the library is too full and asked to return at a later time

B. Entry will be on a first come first serve basis

i. More than two students may be allowed if space permits; call the Circulation Desk (x1290/x1291) for requests

ii. Students may be sent back to class if the library is too full

C. Students must possess a pass to the library or permission via phone call

D. Students will sign in when entering the library and sign out when leaving the library

This is a living document and may be modified as the year progresses and other school procedures change. Thank you to everyone for working together to ensure all students have equal access to the library and its services! Please call with any questions😄

Tuesday April 5, 2022

Congratulations to the bracket winners!!

Nevaeh C. (7th)

Johnny M. (7th)

Mikenna N. (7th)

MONDAY April 4, 2022

The championship has ended!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid-57

Dog Man-23

The bracket winner(s) will be announced this week! 

MONDAY MArch 28, 2022

Game #13 and Game #14 have ended. 

Game #13 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid-11


Game #14

Dog Man-6


DIARY OF A WIMPY KID and DOG MAN are in the championship!! Vote here!

Thursday MArch 24, 2022

Game #11 and Game #12 have ended. 

Game #11 

The Babysitter's Club-16


Game #12


Who Was...?-4

We are down to the FINAL FOUR, Game #13 and Game #14 today and tomorrow (see game schedule). Vote here!

Tuesday MArch 22, 2022

Game #9 and Game #10 have ended. 

Game #9 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid-43

The Hunger Games-6

Game #10

Dog Man-15

Harry Potter-14

Game #11 and Game #12 are today and tomorrow (see game schedule). Vote here!

Thursday MArch 18, 2022

Game #7 and Game #8 have ended. 

Game #7 


I Survived-10

Game #8


What Was...-17

Game #9 and Game #10 are today and tomorrow (see game schedule). Vote here!

Wednesday MArch 16, 2022

Game #5 and Game #6 have ended. 

Game #5


Babysitters Club-11

Game #6


Witch Boy-5

Game #7 and Game #8 are today and tomorrow (see game schedule). Vote here!

Monday MArch 14, 2022

Game #3 and Game #4 have ended. 

Game #3


The Hunger Games-27

Game #4

Percy Jackson-14

Harry Potter-18

Game #5 and Game #6 are today and tomorrow (see game schedule). Vote here!

Wednesday MArch 9, 2022

Game #1 and Game #2 have ended. 

Game #1

Diary of a Wimpy Kid-73

Big Nate-3

Game #2

Dork Diaries-13

Dog Man-28

Game #3 and Game #4 are today and tomorrow (see game schedule). Vote here!

Monday March 7, 2022

JCMS Library March Madness has begun! Vote here in Game #1 and Game #2 today and tomorrow (see game schedule)

Thursday September 23, 2021

There is an issue with accessing Sora and it is currently unavailable. Our IT department is working on. I apologize for the inconvenience. I will post again when it is back up and running. In the meantime, you can still access TeenBookCloud and our other ebook databases here.

Thursday September 9, 2021

Welcome back students and staff! Information about reopening the library and book circulation will be available soon. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Mrs. Shelton.

Friday February 26, 2021

The JCMS Library has been lucky enough to be able to get some new books, both hard copies and ebooks!! I will soon be posting pictures of the new hard copy books and a list of the new ebooks available on Sora.

Additionally BOCES has compiled a list of simultaneous use ebooks on Sora: BT BOCES SLS Simultaneous Use eBooks. The list is also posted under the "Teacher Resources" page. You can access the Sora database on the "eBooks" page or by clicking here.

Monday January 11, 2021

🎉HAPPY NEW YEAR🎉 There have been a lot of developments for the library in 2021!

Tuesday December 22, 2020

I am working on small orders of both physical books and ebooks. If there are any books you would like to see in the collection and/or (teachers) that you could use in your instruction, please let me know. Limited circulation is in the works. I'm hoping to start the new year with some good news of getting physical books back into the hands of students and staff!

Thursday December 3, 2020

Nonfiction library signage is complete and is in the process of being formatted, printed, and displayed. Additionally, talks about a limited reopening are underway! I may be reaching out to some faculty for input. As always, if there is any way the library can support you, please reach out!

Thursday November 12, 2020

Although the JCMS Library isn't officially opened for circulation yet, it is almost back to "normal"! Thanks to the amazing staff who helped, we have unpacked and reshelved all of the books in our collection, over 15,000! If you haven't had a chance yet, please come in to see the updates! 

Also, I am currently working on creating two new sections: 1. A vintage book section that includes books published prior to 1980 (actually, anything prior to 2000 is considered vintage but I don't think we're ready for that!), and 2. A grade and subject specific section that includes books related to grade-level projects and curriculum. Please contact me with any topics/genres you'd like to see included here!

Monday November 2, 2020

BOCES compiled a list of all the audiobooks available for simultaneous use through Sora: BT BOCES SLS Simultaneous Use Audiobooks. All of the titles on this list are available in Sora and are licensed for simultaneous use in our region. The books are divided into three categories: juvenile, young adult, and general adult. Elementary students can view and borrow juvenile titles; middle school students can view and borrow the young adult and juvenile titles; high school students can view and borrow books from all three categories. If you would like a general adult title made available to your students, please contact me.

You can access the Sora database on the "eBooks" page or by clicking here.

Tuesday October 27, 2020

I've posted some helpful resources for using BrainPOP's advanced features, courtesy of BOCES. You can find them under "Teacher Resources" or by clicking here.

Thursday October 1, 2020

Some publisher permissions have been extended for read alouds! See the complete document under "Teacher Resources" or by clicking here.